Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Industrial Practice Work Shop 2

1. How to acquire coordinates from autocad files?Link Cad>Manage>Acquire coordinates > Select the autocad coordinates
2.How to reduce file size?-Purge unused : Manage > Purge Unused
-Audit : Audit files occationally when opening revit files
-Compact files : File Save Options>Check the box and enable Compact Files
-Reduce nos of groups (per floor as group or floor as link)
-Reduce rendered images or images imported : Insert > Manage Image
- Furniture or unnecessary elements as link files

Project Base Points and Survey Points

"The project base point defines the origin (0,0,0) of the project coordinate system. It also can be used to position the building on the site and for locating the design elements of a building during construction. Spot coordinates and spot elevations that reference the project coordinate system are displayed relative to this point.
The survey point represents a known point in the physical world, such as a geodetic survey marker. The survey point is used to correctly orient the building geometry in another coordinate system, such as the coordinate system used in a civil engineering application. " to find out more...
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"This is a BIM sharing portal specially created for the Singapore Architecture Community. It aims to serve as a platform for BIM user group to stay connected and be familiar with the Architecture BIM e-Submission and some good industry practices." to find out more...
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